Sorry to bother you
Opening July 11 at 6pm July 11 - September 1, 2019 Artists: Virgil Baruchel, Christian Butterfield, Hana Elmasry, Neil Maguire, Rafael Yaluff Sorry to bother you explores the disquiet and apprehension of contemporary life. Troubled and inspired by the looming global crises of environment, identity and economic viability, these brave works respond as signs of empathy in an age of anxiety. Christian Butterfield, Hana Elmasry and Neil Maguire mix the tradition of abstract painting with found objects and collage. Rafael Yaluff draws on pop art and comics to reflect upon our culture of consumption. Using electric colours, Virgil Baruchel blurs the real world with virtual existence through his tapestries and pastels. Tangled and urgent, the works in this show are a tentative tap on the shoulder. What can we do? Who do we want to be? Are we able to adapt?
Virgil Baruchel, au repos Flex, 2019
Virgil Baruchel, fake it till you make it (and try not to get eaten alive), 2019
Virgil Baruchel, offering discounted tarot readings from my clawfoot bathtub today NO TRADES, 2019
Virgil Baruchel, (after you've) THRONE (yourself at the opportunity of a lifetime and clearly it worked out), 2018
Christian Butterfield, Cheeks IV, 2019
Hana Elmasry, Reflections Surround #36, 2019
Hana Elmasry, Reflections Surround #30, 2019
Hana Elmasry, Reflections Surround #5, 2019
Rafael Yaluff, El trabajo cotidiano, 2017
Neil Maguire, Chop'd - N - Skrew'd, 2019
Neil Maguire, Cyberpunk, 2019
Neil Maguire, Portal 2, 2019
Neil Maguire, The Honourable L'il Uzi Vert, 2018
Neil Maguire, Green Wall, 2019
Neil Maguire, Neon Farm Hand, 2019
Artists: Virgil Baruchel, Christian Butterfield, Hana Elmasry, Neil Maguire, Rafael Yaluff
Sorry to bother you explores the disquiet and apprehension of contemporary life. Troubled and inspired by the looming global crises of environment, identity and economic viability, these brave works respond as signs of empathy in an age of anxiety.
Christian Butterfield, Hana Elmasry and Neil Maguire mix the tradition of abstract painting with found objects and collage. Rafael Yaluff draws on pop art and comics to reflect up on our culture of consumption. Using electric colours, Virgil Baruchel blurs the real world with virtual existence through his tapestries and pastels.
Tangled and urgent, the works in this show are a tentative tap on the shoulder. What can we do? Who do we want to be? Are we able to adapt?